Cars & Trucks:
Onsite Photo Verification
Service Description
With this service you may have photos taken of a vehicle or truck that you are considering to purchase. If the vehicle that you are considering on purchasing is out of town or you don't have any spare time, let us take photos of the vehicle for you! We will also provide to you a vehicle condition checklist. A minimum of 15 photos required with this service. (1) address photo (4) Photos one on each side of vehicle (2) photos from each side under the hood. (1) trunk photo (4) one photo each tire (1) photo showing mileage (2) Front interior photos (2) Rear Interior photos. During booking, you may request some items on the vehicle checklist to be tailored to your specific needs. Each additional booking occurring for same service on same date, time frame and city of the original booking is half the price. The photos and vehicle checklist will be e-mailed back within 24 hours of the original booking. ***No photos of the vehicle undercarriage will be taken *** Note: Inclement weather (Hurricane or Storms) may delay some orders

Cancellation Policy
The only bookings that can be canceled are the ones that was booked in advance of more than 24 hours. All other cancelations are prohibited and will not be allowed.
Contact Details
Valrico, FL, USA